Meet Your Teacher

Papa Joe Bradford

An international father figure of love as seen in the movie inspired by his life, Unconditional. That Film has carried Papa Joe's practical message of Christ's love to countries around the world. Through decades of Bible study, years of service and development of Nashville's largest door-to-door hunger relief program, national travel engagements to serve the most vulnerable inner-city communities in the United States, and teaching Biblical life transforming classes to young and old, Papa Joe is an indisputable authority on the power of love.

Denise Bradford

As an ordained minister, speaker, teacher, and author, Denise has a passion to motivate and inspire men, women, and children to draw closer to the wonderful Holy Spirit in order to fulfill the purpose that God has destined for them. She studies the Bible avidly and brings a clear biblical approach to discipleship and maturity in the body of Christ. Her teachings along with her writings that she lovingly calls "Denise Shares" have deeply impacted adults and children alike with the truth of God’s love for His children and His desire for growth and spiritual grounding in scripture. As she ministers in the power of the Holy Spirit, Denise brings the truth through signs, wonders, and miracles. Her ultimate desire is to take people into realms of heavenly realities by imparting revelation that transforms the average believer into an ON-FIRE, radical lover of Jesus Christ, His entire Kingdom, and those who He has chosen to be part of His eternal family. Her ultimate goal in life is to die daily and allow the Holy Spirit to live through her.